Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't forget to eat ur coleslaw!

Came across this interesting stuff while reading my sis' friend's blog... haha... kinda amusing actually! Everyone knows that they can gauge how healthy they are by doing medical check-up... But seriously I didn't know that u can actually also gauge how healthy are ur feces!! How cool's that?!
Found this on the net... hehe... So, what're u waiting for?! go check how healthy are they! XD oh and the every morning sensation really is one of the most enjoyable moments la... haha! provided u had enough dietry fibre la..... =P

Next time I'm gonna blog bout my whole holiday la... in one post... so, expect many photos and words yea! but sorry to say that I did not take any photos frm CNY... wasted~ anyway, c ya soon!!


Anonymous said...

straight away wake up after you smell the sensation right??? my friend is the med lab students, wah... very kesian, coz need to do tests on faeces..

Rique K Swee said...

I agree... those doin med one vy kesian de... especially surgery.... -_-|| if they "lucky" and get to do surgery in the intestinal area then fuyoh dy~~ hahaha...

well, depends la... if i din eat much fibers then wil wake up aftr smelling it... XD

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